Vallejo - Model Wash
A brief presentation of the new products of the company Vallejo, and my impressions after their use.
Krótka prezentacja nowego produkty firmy Vallejo oraz moje wrażenia z ich użytkowania.
Krótka prezentacja nowego produkty firmy Vallejo oraz moje wrażenia z ich użytkowania.
From the Vallejo Website:
For armor, vehicles, planes, ship, figures and war game figures. All surfaces exposed to sun, wind and dust, rain and snow, experience a change in color, a loss of intensity, a dulling and general fading which however is not even or overall. For the model painter, these changes in color are very difficult to reproduce, and to achieve these effects on a model, washes or filters are the perfect solution.
For armor, vehicles, planes, ship, figures and war game figures. All surfaces exposed to sun, wind and dust, rain and snow, experience a change in color, a loss of intensity, a dulling and general fading which however is not even or overall. For the model painter, these changes in color are very difficult to reproduce, and to achieve these effects on a model, washes or filters are the perfect solution.
The washes are always needed to blend the edges of the colors on a model
painted in various camouflage shades. The colors can also be mixed
together to achieve further variations of shade and can be used with
airbrush or brush, according to the model and the effect desired.
Model Wash can be mixed with pigments to achieve a wide range of effects
such as oil and flaked rust, mud, earth, dust, moss, etc. and when
mixed with acrylic colors, they further help achieve the impact of heavy
wear and weathering.
The washed have been formulated with a modified acrylic resin so that the superficial tension is similar to that of the traditional solvent-based washes and filters, but with the advantage of working with a water-based medium. Average drying time is around 20 minutes. If several layers of wash are to be applied, it is best to wait around 40 minutes between applications. Painting tools are cleaned with water.
Bottles of 35 ml. with flip top.
76501 WhiteThe washed have been formulated with a modified acrylic resin so that the superficial tension is similar to that of the traditional solvent-based washes and filters, but with the advantage of working with a water-based medium. Average drying time is around 20 minutes. If several layers of wash are to be applied, it is best to wait around 40 minutes between applications. Painting tools are cleaned with water.
Bottles of 35 ml. with flip top.
Recommended for winter / cold scenarios or models painted in white.
76503 Dark Yellow
For yellow models and light colors. Also very suitable for all camouflages and natural scenarios with vegetation, rivers and lakes.
76505 Light Rust
For rust effects and winter scenarios, cold scenarios and decay or abandoned vehicles, metallic structures or all kind of metallic parts.
76507 Dark Rust
For rust effects and winter scenarios, cold scenarios and decay or abandoned vehicles, metallic structures or all kind of metallic parts.
76512 Dark Green
For all models painted in green, and is also perfect for camouflage colors and natural scenarios with vegetation, rivers and lakes.
76513 Brown
For models painted in light or sand colors, and ideal for application on tank tracks and pin washes.
76516 Grey
For models painted in grey and dark colors; they are also perfect for rain marks and pin washes.
For models painted in grey and dark colors; they are also perfect for rain marks and pin washes.
76514 Dark Brown
For models painted in light or sand colors, and ideal for application on tank tracks and pin washes.
76515 Light Grey
For models painted in grey and dark colors; they are also perfect for rain marks and pin washes.
For models painted in grey and dark colors; they are also perfect for rain marks and pin washes.
76517 Dark Grey
For models painted in grey and dark colors; they are also perfect for rain marks and pin washes.
76518 Black
For ultra dark washes and pin washes in the most recessed areas or parts.
My opinion and comments on the new Vallejo washes:
1. Model Washe have a completely different texture than the equivalent of Games Workshop, to which most of the miniatures painters are accustomed. They have a consistency almost like the water. Games Workshop washes are slightly thick. Therefore Vallejo product is ideally suited to very thin layers of paint. To change colors, shades of the surface is such thin layers. Here you can see their greatest use.
2. Before use, must be mixed well by shaking vigorously.
3. Model Wash of Vallejo has a long drying time. Of course, the drying time is dependent on the layer thickness. The extended drying time for added comfort. We can correct deficiencies with clear, wet brush, or even remove the wash from the surface before it can dry out.
4. Model Wash are also perfectly suitable for application of the airbrush and saturation, change the color modulation. Shading them with the help of the airbrush is amazing!
5. Acceptable price, 17PLN for 35ml of product (Games Workshop: 11PLN for 12ml)
1. Model Washe have a completely different texture than the equivalent of Games Workshop, to which most of the miniatures painters are accustomed. They have a consistency almost like the water. Games Workshop washes are slightly thick. Therefore Vallejo product is ideally suited to very thin layers of paint. To change colors, shades of the surface is such thin layers. Here you can see their greatest use.
2. Before use, must be mixed well by shaking vigorously.
3. Model Wash of Vallejo has a long drying time. Of course, the drying time is dependent on the layer thickness. The extended drying time for added comfort. We can correct deficiencies with clear, wet brush, or even remove the wash from the surface before it can dry out.
4. Model Wash are also perfectly suitable for application of the airbrush and saturation, change the color modulation. Shading them with the help of the airbrush is amazing!
5. Acceptable price, 17PLN for 35ml of product (Games Workshop: 11PLN for 12ml)
3. Model Wash firmy Vallejo charakteryzuje się długim czasem schnięcia. Oczywiście ten czas schnięcia zależny jest od grubości warstwy. Taki wydłużony czas wysychania zwiększa, w niektórych przypadkach komfort pracy. Możemy spokojnie czystym, mokrym pędzlem korygować niedociągnięcia, lub wręcz usunąć wash z malowanej powierzchni zanim zdąży zaschnąć.
An example of the use of Vallejo Model Wash is my Spartan King. The skin on the chest is shadowed and brightened using only these washes and airbrush. Also, the helmet was partially painted with these paints.
Przykładem użycia Model Wash firmy Vallejo jest moja praca Spartan King. Skóra na klatce piersiowej została wycieniowana i rozjaśniona przy użyciu tych właśnie washy i aerografu. Również hełm został częściowo pomalowany przy pomocy tych farb.
Currently, the Vallejo company is expanding it's range of Model Wash with new colors.
Aktualnie, firma Vallejo poszerza swoją paletę Model Wash o nowe kolory.
Have fun painting,

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